How eSign works?

The process begins with the requester. The requester initiates a file to be signed by the signer. They either upload or generate the file using internal tools and transmit it to the repository along with the signer’s information. The system then forwards the document to the signer.

The signer authenticates themselves in the eSigned app, which retrieves the pending documents from the dispatcher. The dispatcher delivers the waiting document to the signer. The signer then either signs or rejects the file.

Once signed, the document is transferred back to the repository, and the requester is notified about the document’s status.

Organisation: The legal entity which is being presented by Requester

Requester : is the one who is requesting Signer to sign the document.

Signer : The party who is Signing the document either on behalf organisation or own self.

Repository: The place where files stored

eSign Despatch : is the backend whicj communicates between eSign App and Repository.

eSign App : the application which signs the document.

Signer : Is the person who is signing the document on behalf organisation or own self.

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